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> Continued Fractions
  Game Theory (Section)
  Group Theory

  Approximation Quality
  Two Examples
  The Markov Equation
  The Markov Constant
  The Pattern
  Group Elements and Matrices
  The Random Thoughts
> Chains and Denominators
  The Discriminant
  Properties of Rotations
  Reflection Symmetry
  A Nice Correspondence

  Going Backward
> The Recurrence Relation
  Sketch of a Proof

The Recurrence Relation


Let's pause for a moment and regroup. Here's a picture that shows the key features.

At the top we have the bidirectional chain values. At the bottom we have the bidirectional upper denominators qn. The center point is shown, as are the positions where u, v, and w appear. Positions that aren't aligned with the chain are shown in red. Also remember that the alternating signs make qn negative when n is negative and odd.

Now, the pièce de résistance! Suppose we have any purely repeating expansion of length L. For reference, let's compute the numerators and denominators for the first iteration only, as in Group Elements and Matrices but without the “z” at the end.

p−2 = 0p−1 = 1p0p1pL−2pL−1
q−2 = 1q−1 = 0q0q1qL−2qL−1

Let's also recall the equations that define the numerators and denominators.

pn+1 = an+1pn + pn−1
qn+1 = an+1qn + qn−1

I said “equations”, but clearly there's really only one equation. The solutions are different because the initial conditions are different: (0,1) for the numerators and (1,0) for the denominators. Now, suppose we have another solution rn. The equation is linear, so if we multiply pn by the constant r−1, multiply qn by the constant r−2, and add, we get a solution with initial conditions (r−2,r−1). Since rn has the same initial conditions, the two must be equal for all n.

rn = pn r−1 + qn r−2

In particular, here are the equations for the last two columns of the table.

rL−1 = pL−1 r−1 + qL−1 r−2(1)
rL−2 = pL−2 r−1 + qL−2 r−2(2)

In the same way, we can construct a solution with initial conditions (rL−2,rL−1). Since an+L = an, the translated solution rn+L is still a solution, and it has the same initial conditions, so again the two must be equal for all n.

rn+L = pn rL−1 + qn rL−2

In particular, here are the equations for the last two columns of the table.

r2L−1 = pL−1 rL−1 + qL−1 rL−2(3)
r2L−2 = pL−2 rL−1 + qL−2 rL−2(4)

That gives us four equations in six unknowns. Let's do some easy algebra.

  1. Start with equation (3).
  2. Eliminate r2L−2 by simply throwing out equation (4).
  3. Use equation (2) to eliminate rL−2.
  4. Use equation (1) to eliminate r−2. This is easy because r−2 only appears in the term qL−1 qL−2 r−2 = qL−2 (qL−1 r−2).

That leaves us with one equation in three unknowns.

r2L−1 − (pL−1 + qL−2) rL−1 + (pL−1 qL−2 − pL−2 qL−1) r−1 = 0

Next, let E be the associated matrix of the group element that adds the prefix that we've been talking about.


With that, we can make our one equation more compact.

r2L−1 − (tr E) rL−1 + (det E) r−1 = 0

We can generalize that nice result in two ways, but first we need one more definition.

Let sk be the bidirectional subsequence of rn where n is congruent to k mod L.

Technically we ought to define the allowed values of k and also include a second subscript n so that we can refer to the individual terms of sk, but that's all very tedious.

So, the nice result relates three consecutive terms of s−1, or sL−1 if you prefer. However, just as we can translate solutions by L, we can translate them by any multiple of L, therefore the nice result applies to any three consecutive terms of s−1! In other words, the whole subsequence s−1 obeys a recurrence relation with the following characteristic polynomial.

x2 − (tr E) x + (det E)

That's the first generalization.

What happens if we translate a solution by an amount k that's not a multiple of L?

  1. We still get a solution, but it's a solution to a different equation, or rather a solution to the same equation with different coefficients an. To be precise, the translated solution rn+k has coefficients an+k that describe the rotation of the original expansion that starts with ak.
  2. So, the subsequence s−1 of the translated solution obeys a recurrence relation with the same characteristic polynomial as the subsequence s−1 of the original solution except that the matrix E comes from a rotation of the original expansion. That's a mouthful, so let's just say “obeys a rotation” instead.
  3. The subsequence s−1 of the translated solution is the same as the subsequence sk−1 of the original solution (for example, both contain rk−1), so that too obeys a rotation.
  4. Since I count the original expansion as a rotation, the subsequence s−1 of the original solution also obeys a rotation.

So, putting the pieces together, we can say that every subsequence sk of the original solution obeys a rotation. That's the second generalization.

What do the different matrices E look like? They do have to be different from one another since we can go backward from matrix to expansion, and the expansions are different. Remember the prefix function P from The Random Thoughts? We can use that to write the original matrix E as a product.

E = P(a0) P(a1) … P(aL−2) P(aL−1)

The other matrices E look the same except that the factors are rotated. Now, there are some things we can say about products of matrices.

  • The determinant of a product is the product of the determinants. So, since det P(a) = −1, we must have det E = (−1)L … but we already knew that from Group Elements and Matrices.
  • The trace of a product is invariant under rotation. The reason is easy to understand: if you write out the row and column indices, then the matrix multiplications connect adjacent factors and the trace closes the loop.

As a result, the different matrices E all have the same determinant and the same trace, which means that the different subsequences sk all have the same characteristic polynomial and obey the same recurrence relation. That's the true second generalization.

Finally, let's specialize in two ways. Don't worry, it'll be quick! First, take the arbitrary purely repeating expansion to be expansion(u), so that L becomes L(u) and E becomes E(u). Second, take the arbitrary solution rn to be the denominators qn. Then, we already know that det E(u) = 1 and tr E(u) = 3u, so the subsequences sk of the denominators all obey a recurrence relation with characteristic polynomial x2 − 3ux + 1 … just like the chain values! Bang! Stay tuned, we'll continue from that point after a quick story break.

In the essay Continued Fractions, I mentioned that I first heard about continued fractions in high school. Here's how that happened. There was a series of educational books called the New Mathematical Library. My high school math teacher had several of them, and loaned me this one, and probably one or two others at other times.

[Olds] Continued Fractions

I read some of it, enough to get the basic idea, but I doubt I got more than a third of the way through.

In February 2022, when the current madness started, it occurred to me that it would be fun to see that old book again, and so on February 25, the day I started writing Approximation Quality, I ordered a copy. (A used copy, because the book's out of print.) However, as with [Aigner], I decided not to read it until I was done writing.

In September 2022, when I declared the essays essentially done, as a reward I gave myself permission to read [Olds]. I could see from the table of contents that the book didn't discuss the Markov constant, so I knew it wouldn't influence the random thoughts. So, I was quite surprised to find the following problem on p. 81, about halfway through. (I reformatted the definition of x.)

Verify, by giving the positive integers a and b particular values, and by selecting particular convergents pn−2/qn−2, pn/qn, pn+2/qn+2, that if

x = [0,a,b],


pn+2 − (ab + 2)pn + pn−2 = 0.

That one hint led to all the theory in this essay. I had thought it was just some kind of bizarre accident that denominators contained chains, an intractable problem, but if every repeating expansion had a recurrence relation that applied to every subsequence, well, that sounded pretty tractable. And it was!

I did have to stop reading [Olds], though.



  See Also

  Discriminant, The
  One More Discriminant

@ July (2023)