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  Approximation Quality
  Two Examples
  The Markov Equation
  The Markov Constant
  The Pattern
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  The Random Thoughts
  Chains and Denominators
> The Discriminant
  Properties of Rotations
  Reflection Symmetry
  A Nice Correspondence

  One More Discriminant
> An Interesting Detail

An Interesting Detail

In The Discriminant we learned that the reflections of an expansion have the same Markov constant as the rotations. However, for every Markov constant M < 3 there's a unique value of u, for every value of u there's a unique solution to the Markov equation (at least for u < 10600), and for every solution to the Markov equation there's a unique equivalence class. Therefore, the reflections of expansion(u) must be equivalent to the rotations!

Let's consider what that would mean in the general case. If for some reason the reflections of an expansion are equivalent to the rotations, then we can take any reflection and any rotation and make them identical by removing finite prefixes. Then, however, by removing up to one iteration more we can show that the primary reflection is equal to some rotation. Then we can just write down the coefficients, mess with the indices a bit, and show that there are three possibilities. If the expansion length is even, then there are either two or zero rotations that are equal to their own reflections.


Or, if the expansion length is odd, then there's always exactly one rotation that's equal to its own reflection.


It can also happen that the primary reflection is equal to more than one rotation. In that case, the three possibilities apply to each rotation. Also, since the rotations are equal to the same thing, they're equal to one another, so the expansion has rotation symmetry.

How does all that apply to expansion(u) (with u ≥ 5)? Well, there can't be any rotation symmetry because the number of large units (22) and the number of small units (11) are relatively prime. (See the point in Symmetries about the number maze.) The expansion length is even, not odd, and the “zero rotations” case is unreachable because those expansions aren't composed of pairs. The only possibility left is that there are exactly two rotations that are equal to their own reflections. In other words, we've just proved that the third symmetry holds! The proof has the disadvantage of depending on two unknowns, but it also has the advantage of providing a tangible reason that the symmetry has to hold.

For comparison, I do still think it should be possible to use half-expansions to construct a proof. That proof wouldn't depend on any unknowns, but it would also be just a bunch of cases and not provide any reasons.


  See Also

  Discriminant, The

@ January (2024)